[tin-bugs] You May Qualify for FHA Insured Reverse Mortgage Programs - Updated for 2016

From Newbie To Millionaire from.newbie.to.millionaire at myreversemortg.com
Fri Mar 18 02:27:20 CET 2016

Hi ,

Unfortunately, far too many Americans are retiring today with a large gap between what they will earn from Social Security and what they need to cover expenses.

How are you retiring?

If you have the same problem, you definitely need to know this. 

Many seniors have found the solution to this problem with FHA insured HECM loans or Reverse Mortgages. This program was created for seniors so that they can receive a consistent and reliable retirement supplement, tax free*. With a HECM loan, seniors can stay in their home, retain the title to the home and never have to repay the loan unless the home is sold or vacated.

62 and owning a home? Follow the link below and calculate yourself how much you can receive

Open the following link in your browser and access your complimentary calculator

" With a traditional mortgage, the borrower makes payments to the lender. The reverse mortgage reverses that payback stream so that the lender makes payments to the borrower in the form of a steady stream of funds, a lump sum payment or a line of credit he or she can draw on. The loan is not required to be paid back until the home is sold or vacated."

- The National Law Review

Continue here to calculate your reverse mortgage today

Thank you,
- Your Experienced Reverse Mortgage Team

Open this in your browser to compare HECM Loan Options and see if you qualify

This material is not from HUD or FHA and has not been approved by any government agency
*Consult your Tax Advisor
Borrower must continue to pay property taxes, homeowner's hazard insurance policy, HOA fees if applicable, and maintain the property equal to when the loan was closed. Borrower must occupy the home as a principal residence.

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or send a request to: PO Box 9211, Laguna Beach, CA 92652
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