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<title>World Business Registry</title>
Ladies and Gentlemen,<br /><br />
In order to have your company inserted in<br />
the registry of Global Companies for the<br />
2019\2020 edition; please print, complete<br />
and reply with the attached form<br />
(wbl-F20s.jpg) or send it to the following address:<br /><br />
World Business List<br />
Postbox 34<br />
3700 AA Zeist<br />
The Netherlands<br /><br />
Fax: 0031 30 310 0126<br /><br />
<strong>Updating is free of charge!</strong><br /><br />
You received this message because this address<br />
is listed in our database as being a company.<br />
If we are mistaken please reply with the word<br />
`remove` in the message and we`ll delist this<br />
email address from our list accordingly.
</i><br />