Dear Client, Hi <br /><br />We just released a new drone, which will be
able to offer you expectations, and thank you for your support.<br />Please
refer to the following detailed product information<br /><br /><span
style="display: block; text-align: left;"><span style="display: block;
text-align: left;">The battery life of the brushless GPS drone is 28
minutes. 1000m electric fence safety distance.<br />Fixed point inside
optical flow, GPS placement outside.<br />Back home with low power, power
off/off signal back home.<br />Cross-over, surround, cross-point, VR-mode,
multi-lens switching, photo/video panorama, lens zoom.<br />MV mode,
one-key back to home mode, headless mode, photo/video gesture, front lens
up and down setup.<br />Flight system: fixed altitude GPS/air pressure<br
/>Camera parameters: ESC PTZ + ES electronic stabilization 3840x2160/4K 30
frames<br /><br /></span></span><span style="display: block; text-align:
left;">Level of wind resistance: 8 severe winds.<br />5G anti-interference
picture transmission signal:<br />Diameter of the blade(cm): 5.8cm
approx.<br />Capacity of the body: 7.4V 3000mAh with board<br />Battery
Remote Control (chargeable): 3,7V 300mAh and board<br />WIFI: 5G 4K optical
flow setup<br />Charging time: 180min approximately<br />Remote control:
endurance loading (no battery required)<br />Type: 1 type/2 battery kind/3
type of battery<br />Gray-white colour color<br />Werkstoff: alloy +
plastic<br />Dimensions: drone size unfolded: 26x30x5cm, size folded
14x19x5cm<br /><br />Details of costing:<br />279.00 per unit for 1-5
units<br />259.00 per unit for 6-20 units<br />239.00 per unit for
21-100 units<br /><br />It's a popular product. Do you wish to place an
order today?<br /> Indicate your specific delivery address to us, and we
will arrange delivery for you by contacting the warehouse.</span><br />
<p><img src="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/NBIAAOSwt5FgsbcL/s-l1600.jpg"
alt="" width="475" height="475" /><img
src="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/xg4AAOSwj5hgsbcO/s-l1600.jpg" alt=""
width="475" height="475" /></p>
<p><img src="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/AM0AAOSwODZgsbcP/s-l1600.jpg"
alt="" width="475" height="475" /><img
src="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/J5QAAOSwnrdgsbcS/s-l1600.jpg" alt=""
width="475" height="475" /></p>
<p><br /><img
src="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/uw0AAOSwD6VgsbcU/s-l1600.jpg" alt=""
width="475" height="475" /><img
src="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Q5sAAOSwHbRgsbcV/s-l1600.jpg" alt=""
width="475" height="475" /><br /><br /><br />Thanks,<br />Jamison
Garrett<br />Customer Care Department</p>