[tin-dev] [PATCH] don't log auth data with plain "-D 1"

Urs Janßen urs at tin.org
Wed May 31 09:35:36 CEST 2023

--- src/nntplib.c	2023-05-11 07:27:25 +0000
+++ src/nntplib.c	2023-05-31 07:21:26 +0000
@@ -833,8 +833,24 @@
 		nntpbuf_puts(string, &nntp_buf);
 		nntpbuf_puts("\r\n", &nntp_buf);
 #	ifdef DEBUG
-		if (debug & DEBUG_NNTP)
-			debug_print_file("NNTP", ">>>%s%s", logtime(), string);
+		if (debug & DEBUG_NNTP) {
+			if (!strncmp(string, "AUTH", 4)) { /* avoid logging auth data if not running verbose */
+				if (verbose)
+					debug_print_file("NNTP", ">>>%s%s", logtime(), string);
+				else {
+					char *p, *c = my_strdup(string);
+					if ((p = strrchr(c, ' ')))
+						*p = '\0';
+					if ((p = strrchr(c, '\t')))
+						*p = '\0';
+					debug_print_file("NNTP", ">>>%s%s [data hidden, rerun with -v]", logtime(), c);
+					free(c);
+				}
+			} else
+				debug_print_file("NNTP", ">>>%s%s", logtime(), string);
+		}
 #	endif /* DEBUG */
 		 * remember the last command we wrote to be able to resend it after a

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