[tin-users] Openning huge group

Dennis Preiser dennis at d--p.de
Sun May 10 11:15:57 CEST 2020

On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 03:41:06AM +0200, kevin shell wrote:
> tin can can take very long to open or
> even can't open huge group(exp. gmane.linux.kernel ~513K threads) just exiting.

g.l.k has appr. 3,4 million article. The first time entring the group
took here about 25 to 30 minutes. tin uses about 2 GB RAM. The cached
overview file is about 1.2 GB in size.

| dennis at coredump:~% ps -o rss,command | grep '[g]mane'
| 1926692 tin -g gmane
| dennis at coredump:~% ls -hoS ~/tmp/.news-news.gmane.io
| total 3466768
| -rw-r--r--  1 dennis   1.2G 10 May 10:05 1097.1
| [...]

The second time it took about 20 minutes. The slower the internet
connection, the longer the first start takes.

You have to be patient and have enough RAM. Or you use getart_limit:

|    -G article-limit
|                Limit  the  number  of  articles/group to retrieve from the
|                server.  If article-limit is > 0 not  more  than  the  last
|                article-limit  articles/group  are fetched from the server.
|                If article-limit is < 0 tin will  start  fetching  articles
|                from  your  first  unread  minus absolute value of article-
|                limit. Default is 0, which means no limit.


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